We are proud to announce that EVBCH recently was approved for 501(c)3 nonprofit status. Donations and charitable gifts made to EVBCH are now tax-deductible!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and help us "keep trails open for all".
PO Box 2928, Apache Junction, AZ 85117
President ~ Shirley Righi, president@evbch.org
Vice President ~ Sheila Shattuck
Treasurer ~ Chip Wilson
Secretary ~ Karen Otterstein
Director ~ Marj Christensen
Director ~ Chris Larson
Director ~ Vacant
Alternate Director ~ Pam Gaston
Education - Vacant
Fundraising - Shirley Righi
Membership/Social - Sheila Shattuck
Trails/Packing - Chris Larson
To reach a Committee Chairperson, please send an email through the "Contact Us" section.